Friday, October 15, 2010

It has been forever since I have blogged, and I have so many new things to share! Ü Where oh where to I start! LOL

Let's go back to January...........I started back up at the gym and tried to get back in to running. I was beginning my journey and second attempt at training for a half marathon. The treadmill just wasn't cutting it for me at ALL!!! I hated being on it every second. There's something about hitting the pavement that makes my legs keep going. Except in my case it turned out to be the ice!

I began running outside every night. I would get home from work, lace up my shoes and head out into the cold. I was derailed quite a few times as the weather would be unpredictable and suddenly snow 6 inches. This made running outside for the next few days seem impossible. Especially when it was bitter cold.

But I did it! I actually trained for a half marathon, in the winter, in Alaska!! I will say that my runs were wet, cold, and snowy. But it made me feel that much stronger. I felt like I could conquer just about anything I wanted!

April came quickly and I was finally in Salt Lake City picking up my bib. It was an overwhelming experience. I can't even describe it. It makes me tear up a little just thinking about it. The months it took me to get to where I was. The hours of running. The pain I pushed through. I was about to wake up and run 13.1 miles.

April 17th I ran 13.1 miles and crossed the finish line in tears. I had actually done it!!!!! But.......let me tell you some of those tears were because I didn't have to run another step! :)

I was feeling really good at mile 7, 8, and 9. But once I passed that 10 mile mark, my mind was ready to quit. I had trained to 10 miles and felt pretty good. What was another 3?? It was torture! lol Add in the fact that is was also 70+ degrees outside and that I had trained in 20 degree weather. But after 3hrs, 23 minutes and 29 seconds, I crossed that finish line. I had accomplished a half marathon before my 30th birthday. I only had 4 days to spare. :)

I have been working on losing more weight, as after the half marathon I got a little lazy and put back on some weight. About 15 pounds to be exact. I began a somewhat controversial diet and have lost another 25 pounds. And have successfully maintained this weight loss for some time now. I'm an now under 200 pounds and am weighing 197!!!! I have officially lost 37 lbs since starting this weight loss journey some time back. I know it's not a lot, but I feel amazing!!!!

This is getting kind of long now, so I'll post more tomorrow about what kind of diet I have been on! Have a great day!!!! :)