This is me and my littlest man after my run last night!
Never in my life have I really ever set a goal like this before. I've never pushed myself to really complete anything except for high school and a CNA program. I've never reached my goal weight, I've never worked out consistently, I've never really done anything above and beyond what I'm supposed to, yet alone finish it. I'm setting out to change that, and hopefully the next four months I'll find a new me along the way!! :)
The funny thing too, is that the scale seems to be dropping now that I bumped up my workouts. The last three days I have watched it drop down lower and lower and today it finally said that I am .5 lbs lighter than I was 2 weeks ago. I'll take it thank you very much! I know it's not a weigh in day, and I know it's not good to obsess over the scale and weigh yourself everyday, but it makes me feel good right now. I see progress and that's all I need. Yahooooo!
"Only those that risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go."
All I can say is....YOU GO GIRL!!! WhooHoo!