Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A thanks and a running partner.

After so much needed advice on my post yesterday, I have decided that I should be happy for those I love no matter what the circumstances and just need to focus on what I am doing for myself. It's all about ME time right now, and fixing myself. A big thanks goes out to my mom for always being my biggest supporter. I don't know what I would do without her. She is my rock!! Love you Mom!

I was scheduled to run 9 miles last night in order to train for my half marathon coming up in less than 4 weeks. SCARY!!!! So I went out and felt great the first 4 miles. It was the second 4 miles that kicked my butt. I only made it to 8 miles last night, as my knees were screaming for me to stop. I wanted so badly to finish up that last mile, but I also knew I needed to listen to my body. I would rather run a mile less one night than injure myself and not be able to run for weeks.

My 10 year old son decided that he was going to join me on my last 4 miles. I was sure that he would end up wanting to go back home, so I had him join me and then was going to send him back home after 1 mile as that's where we pass the trail that leads straight home. Well once we got to the 1st mile (or my 5Th mile) he decided that he was in this thing for the long haul and he wasn't going home at all. After a few short walk breaks and a stop for him to stretch, he made it all four miles (8 miles for me). I can't believe what a great job he did. I have been dying for a running partner, and low and behold, I gave birth to one. He said he had a lot of fun and wanted to go again tomorrow. Those dang kids have so much energy. Good job on your run Joey, Momma loves you!!


  1. How sweet. And what a great way for the two of you to share some time together.

  2. Awww. Adorable!!!

    That's wonderful that you are spending some time with him, and it's teaching him healthy habits.

  3. WOw! Impressed with a) YOU doing 8 miles and b) Joey doing 4!

    What a team!

  4. I love the idea of teaching him young the importance of working out! Great job Mom!

  5. I am SO glad you feel better about your friend situation. It is all about YOU and your family and what you are doing to better your life and your immediate families. Be proud of that and run with it.

    As for your son running with you...WOW!! That is so great. I know you loved that. What an awesome example you are setting for your kids.

    We all have runs like that too. The ones that don't go as well as you want them to or where you seem to run out of energy. Very smart of you to listen to your body and stop at 8 instead of pushing it to 9. Not doing that one mile isn't going to set you back one bit. It will probably give you more energy and strength for your next long run in fact.

    Keep it up. You are getting close to your big day. I am so proud of you. I wish I lived closer and I would do it with you.
